Agenda & Media

AGENDA 23-24
Graz, 23 Oct 2023: JUSTDECARB Workshop: Evaluating sustainable transition policies. Normative perspectives.
Presentation: “Legitimate Expectations in a Just Transition: Grounds and Defeaters”
Utrecht, 2&3 November 2023. Fair Energy Consortium Workshop: Tensions within (just) energy transitions.
Presentation: “The Moral Significance of Frustrated Expectations in Just Energy Transitions”
Utrecht, 30 November 2023. Institutions for Open Societies Seminar: Fair Transitions Talks.
Presentation: “Should ‘losers’ of the climate transition be compensated? The role of legitimate expectations.” Register here
Utrecht, 12 December 2023. Ethics Institute Colloquium.
Paper Presentation: “The major transitions in morality: A theoretical proposal”
Geneva, 10-11 January 2024. Brocher Foundation workshop: Shifting responsibilities in healthcare due to disruptive innovation: ethical, legal, and social implications.
Presentation: “From disruptive innovation to responsible innovation”
Tokyo, 6 February 2024. Institute of Social Science, University of Tokyo. Applied Ethics Workshop. Presentation: “Do status quo expectations carry moral weight? Their role in a just climate transition.”
Utrecht, 11-15 March 2024. Spring School Climate Ethics.
Twente, 11 April 2024. Technology & Values Colloquium.
Presentation: “The Moral Weight of Status Quo Expectations in Sustainability Transitions”
Graz, 14 May 2024. Praktische & Politische Philosophie Kolloquium.
Presentation: “Three Understandings of Legitimate Expectations.”
Online, 7 June 2024, Just Climate Transitions reading group.
Presentation: “Which ‘losers’ of the climate transition deserve compensation? The role of legitimate expectations”
Leusden, 27 August 2024. ISVW course.
Presentation: “Lost in Transition”
Graz, 8 October 2024. Praktische & Politische Philosophie Kolloquium.
Presentation: “Climate Disruption and the Value of Stability: An Ethical Exploration”